Yes, we need YOUR help! Please contact AmericaForTruth.Org if you are a law firm or CPA and would like to donate your expertise Pro Bono to this noble cause.

No matter if you're an individual or part of a group or club and would like to volunteer, we'd appreciate hearing from you. Please tell your friends, family and co-workers about this website too. Together we can light a torch and illuminate our nation with truth, making America a better place to live.

Please don't feel left out if you are not from the state of California. We would very much appreciate hearing from you as well! Consider gathering signatures for an initiative in your state.

Does it surprise you that your elected officials are not interested in this initiative? A grassroots effort is just what's needed, to begin to hold politicians accountable to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth! This is the goal at AmericaForTruth.Org.

Together we can wipe away the apathy that has a stranglehold on our nations citizens, by holding our elected officials to a higher standard of excellence!

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